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Safety Is Top Priority for Every Business, & Gloves Play a Key Role

Safety Is Top Priority for Every Business, & Gloves Play a Key Role

Workplace safety can be thought of as a generalized term for many of us, but nonetheless it carries a large significance across all businesses no matter the size. The trend towards workplace safety has increased over the last 30 to 40 years. Protecting employees against workplace injuries is a never-ending job for all businesses. Starting a safety-based program may not be difficult or costly, however, the consequences of not having one can be potentially detrimental. Disposable gloves play a part in almost every comprehensive program no matter how big or small.

PPE Is For Everyone

While each industry has its own set of individualized risks, some tend to be inherently more dangerous than others. This can require employers to provide the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for their employees to properly execute their jobs. The most common form of PPE includes gloves, especially disposable. However, many other garments may be needed for appropriate protection from hardhats and respirators to shoe covers or even hazmat suits.

Disposable gloves are an essential tool for safety because they deliver protection from harsh chemicals and solvents, as well as prevent cross-contamination or the spread of infection and illness. The protection provided is widespread depending on the industry application. For example, if your team of employees works in an industrial-based environment involving machinery, the benefits of disposable gloves can include protection against chemicals, solutions, and oils, in addition to bacteria and environmental hazards.

Education is Key for Safety

The use of PPE alone is not enough to ensure proper safety. Education of how to properly use it is crucial to ensure the necessary garments are being used. One key starting point it to ensure all gear properly fits each employee to provide a comfortable fit. When it comes to the use of disposable gloves there are several different factors to consider including material, thickness, and chemical and puncture resistance, in addition to latex allergies. It can be challenging to motivate employees to comply with PPE, but it’s the crucial first step to making safety-conscious decisions.

One way that organizations can integrate safety at the forefront is by making it a part of their culture. From the minute new hires walk in the door, understanding the importance of safety protocols should be just as crucial as company values. Safety trainings and consistent reminders should be included at all points of the hiring and onboarding process—as well as for those who have been at the company for some time. 

OSHA Offers a Wide Array of Knowledge

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has a wide selection of tips and publications for employers looking to create a new safety program within their company as well as those of already established programs. Make sure your business is not a victim of the many horror stories about workplace injury. Ensure your employees can make an informed decision regarding safety. Encouraging daily review of policies while ensuring there is plenty of PPE readily available is great starting point.

Zoomget has the durable and dependable disposable gloves needed to ensure proper hand safety is executed. With light, medium, and heavy-duty options available, we have the protection you need no matter the industry. Stock up today!

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