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“Workplace safety” may be a somewhat vague and generalized term, but it nevertheless carries huge significance for businesses of all sizes.
The trend toward workplace safety is clear over the last 30 to 40 years. In 1980, probably 1% of auto mechanics used disposable gloves. In 2023, that figure is much higher—and because it’s still relatively small in the context of the overall industry, there is lots of room to grow.
Protecting employees against workplace injuries is a never-ending job. Starting a safety program is neither as difficult nor as costly as one might think—but the consequences of not having one can be ruinously expensive.
Disposable gloves, of course, figure prominently in any comprehensive program, even if the part they play is relatively small.
While every industry has its own risks, some are inherently more dangerous than others and require that employers provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for their workers. The most common form of PPE is gloves, especially disposables, although gear from hardhats to respirators to shoe covers to hazmat suits may be appropriate, depending on the industry.
Disposable gloves are an essential tool for safety, whether it’s protection from harsh chemicals in automotive or general industrial applications, avoiding cross-contamination in food-related uses, or preventing the spread of infection in the healthcare universe.
If your clients include industrial operations, especially those involving machinery and other high-risk factors, stress the benefits of disposable gloves for protecting against not only chemicals and cleaning solutions, but also bacteria and other environmental hazards.
All employees must be educated on how to use PPE, and all gear should fit well and be comfortable, or employees will be disinclined to wear it. When it comes to disposable gloves for barrier protection, employers need to be mindful of thickness, chemical resistance, puncture resistance, fit, comfort, and latex sensitivities.
It can be difficult to get employees to comply with regulations, but getting them to go all-in on making safety-conscious choices is the crucial first step.
Organizations should make safety an important part of their culture. From the minute candidates walk in for their interview, they should understand that safety is one of the company’s central values. Safety reminders and training should be included in all steps of the hiring and onboarding processes. Following through with them every workday is not optional.
Are your clients’ workplaces compliant with OSHA and local regulations? Help them make it so. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has numerous tips and helpful publications for employers looking to create a new safety program—or shore up existing ones.
There are a lot of horror stories out there about workplace injuries caused by bad safety decisions. Making the right choice is always easier than making the wrong one. Encourage your customers to review their workplace safety today—and ensure they have plenty of disposable gloves on hand.