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Is safety part of your uniform?

Is safety part of your uniform?

With June comes National Safety Month, a time to remind us how crucial safety is for most industries far beyond what is commonly thought of. Most of us start our days with the same routine, day in and day out, when preparing for work. We rarely think of the potential safety hazards we may encounter throughout the day. For most, starting the day includes getting dressed in suitable work attire, nourishing our bodies with breakfast, and then rushing into work.

Not all employees wear uniforms, but for those who do, components of the employees’ clothing and gear are designed with safety at the forefront. For a wide variety of industries, disposable gloves complete employees’ uniforms, whether they are a high-visibility bright color or a sleek professional color. Disposable gloves are a needed component in promoting safe and efficient workplaces.

Every year for National Safety Month, the National Safety Council spearheads a conversation about workplace safety across all industries. Part of a comprehensive workplace safety program includes the use of safety-focused uniform pieces. As disposable gloves are disposable, they are not frequently thought of as part of the standard uniform due to frequent changes. Disposable gloves deliver the needed barrier protection for hazardous industries, from those who use harsh chemicals, to cross-contamination or bloodborne illnesses. The proper disposable glove choice can vary due to material, thickness, texture, and even color, depending on the job and workplace.

Hand injuries are one of the leading causes of injury-related workplace absence. Disposable gloves with a high-visibility color such as green are one aspect of a safety plan that can lead to reduced injuries. The use of gloves with high-visibility color allows for the employee wearing the gloves—as well as those surrounding—to easily see their hands. This also allows for supervisors to ensure employees are diligent with glove use, as the bright color makes it easy to spot who is wearing gloves.

Disposable gloves can also be used in the workplace to promote organization. Many businesses use a color-coding system to segment different departments. This allows for easy differentiation between departmental tasks. For example, in food preparation using different colored gloves can help prevent cross contamination. You can assign different colored gloves to those working with raw vs. cooked foods for safe handling.

Disposable gloves also provide a sleek, professional appearance for those who come in contact with customers. For food service employees such as chefs, servers, and even hostesses, a pair of black disposable gloves can promote great safety when handling and serving foods while also seamlessly blending with one’s uniform.

These are just a few of the many ways disposable gloves can complete an employee’s uniform while promoting proper workplace safety. Whether you are a manager, employee, or distributor, June is the perfect month to begin and continue conversations about workplace safety.

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