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With March having arrived, spring cleaning has commenced, but that doesn’t mean it has to be the bane of your existence. To help keep your home looking spotless and squeaky clean, our team has curated a couple of tricks to make spring cleaning so much easier. Considering the many different chemicals you’ll be in contact with, it’s important to have the right protective gloves for the job. Keep your hands clean and protected by having a box of 1st Choice disposable industrial gloves within reach. Once you start seeing the results, you’ll be proud of your hard work.
Baking Soda Does Wonders for Dirty Ovens
Anyone who’s cleaned a dirty oven knows it’s a tough job. It’s not a task to be taken lightly unless you don’t mind the smell of charred food that fills up the house each time you open your oven—yikes! Instead of reaching for the air freshener, focus on tackling the source of the problem, which is almost always at the bottom rack of your oven. It’s time to roll up your sleeves and wear 1st Choice disposable industrial gloves to help prepare your arms for some serious scrubbing. If after scouring you find pieces of burnt food at the bottom rack of your oven, simply combine dish soap, baking soda, and water to make it all disappear. Of course, you’ll need to apply pressure when scrubbing, but the soap and baking soda mixture is enough to cut through all the burnt-on bits and pieces to make your oven look brand new.
Lemons Can Help Remove Grime and Water Stains
Remove water stains with concentrated lemon juice for a natural faucet fix. Cut a lemon in half and directly rub the fruit onto water-stained surfaces for a clean and spotless finish. Citric acid helps in removing hard stains. While you’re at it, use the other half of the lemon to remove grime buildup inside your microwave. Cut your lemon further into halves and squeeze the juice into a half cup of water. Don’t forget to add a couple of the remaining lemon rinds into the mixture. Microwave for three minutes and let it stand for five minutes without opening the door. The trapped steam will loosen the grime, so you can wipe your microwave clean without needing to apply a lot of pressure. Remember to wear your favorite 1st Choice gloves, so you don’t get grime all over your hands.
If All Else Fails, Try These Two Ingredients
If you have stains on clothes, carpets, or cloth furniture that won’t come off no matter what you try, we recommend using these two ingredients that can get rid of tough and pesky stains like magic: High-performing dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Just make sure your dish soap of choice is authentically heavy-duty. To start, mix 1 part dish soap with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and evenly spread the solution over the stain. Let it sit for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours (depending on the quality of the fabric and the age of the stain), then simply dab off with a washcloth or throw the treated textile into your laundry. Generally, this homemade concoction works best on light-colored fabrics but does just fine on dark colors—you’ll only want to shorten the amount of time the solution sits on the fabric. You see, hydrogen peroxide can sometimes lighten fabric materials, so applying it onto a single area on a dark piece of clothing may unintentionally lighten its surrounding areas, too. If you want to be safe, switch hydrogen peroxide for white vinegar when using this stain remover on dark-colored garments and furniture. That way, you’ll be less paranoid about damaging the items you’re removing stains from. While you’re at it, be sure to use 1st Choice disposable industrial gloves to prevent harsh chemicals from contacting your skin. After all, you’re more likely to prefer having stain-free skin just like your newly washed textiles and fabrics.